Cats Toilet Training

Finding the ability to train your cat to use the house toilet has been an on going concept for decades. Over the last several years, such training has become popular. Most people would like to have the smell of that stinky cat litter removed forever from their home. Some people, such as pregnant women, really suffer some health problems as a result of cat urine and feces and need other options for their kitty to use the bathroom other than a litter box. These are just some of the people who may need to learn cats toilet training methods.

This should be done at a slow pace when offering any cats toilet training. Slowly work with your cat to get the idea across to them. You can't just toss your cat on your toilet and expect that they will know what to do. This could in turn cause your cat to be traumatized and will not work. You will need to take slow, steady steps while being patient with your cat so that it will be ready to use the toilet in the bathroom.

In order to actually train your cat, you will need to buy a cat toilet seat. This will aide in getting your cat to use the toilet. This tool should not be used right away. This may confuse your cat and cause them to use other areas of your home that you would rather them not use for doing their business. They could start going in a corner, under the bed or behind the couch if they are uncomfortable with using the new cat toilet seat.

You should gradually work up to a point where your cat will know how to use the toilet. You can not just push your cat to do this or anything else until they are ready. Start by putting your cats litter box into the bathroom so that they will get used to being in that area for going to the potty. Also, you could position the cat toilet seat and introduce it to your cat.

This is of course the single most important step in offering your cats toilet training. Once your cat has gotten used to using their cat toilet seat, the litter box can completely be removed. This alone will force your cats to use only the cat toilet seat.

Natural Cat Care - The Best Way to Take Care of Your Cat

If you are a cat lover then you have to know about natural cat care or the use of only natural remedies and other products for your cats. When it comes to taking care of our feline friends, you have to know that nothing beats using the gifts that mother nature has provided. Through the years, we have been made to believe that the only cat products out there are the ones that can be bought in popular pet stores and groceries. Even some of the veterinarians out there are clueless when it comes to alternatives to conventional cat care products.

It is only recently that the scientific community has began to recognize the value of herbs in treating health issues among animals. Now, more and more veterinarians and cat experts are turning to all natural remedies and products to promote and maintain feline wellness. Recent studies have shown that natural remedies are not only more effective, more importantly, they are safer than conventional healing methods. Many of the popular commercial cat care products contain chemicals and other synthetic ingredients that may be harmful to the health of your cat in the long run. In short, conventional products can do more harm than good.

Your cat deserves nothing but the best in health care. And when it comes to your cat's health and wellness, only natural cat care products make the grade. The best thing about using all natural products is that they are in line and in tune with your cat's innate healing tendencies unlike some commercial products that actually block the natural healing abilities of animals. You've probably heard of the pet food recall that occurred several years ago. That is just one proof that conventional products may cause more harm than benefits to animals. Just as in food, natural products are also best when it comes to remedies of common cat diseases.

One cause of hesitation with the use of natural products among pet owners is the price. While it is true that, natural cat care products cost a little bit more than conventional ones, the difference in cost is just proof that these kinds of products use only the finest ingredients. If you really love your cat, you would not mind the extra cost that premium products entail.

Bacteria in Dog's Mouth

Many say that a dog's mouth is cleaner with respect to human mouth. If you really try to explore further on the subject, you would find that the mouth of a dog and that of a human is quite different from one another and unlikely to be compared with each other. In fact the functionality of a dog's mouth is quite different from that of a human. Humans use their mouth mainly to eat where as a dog uses its mouth to carry out a variety of jobs. Apart from eating it uses its mouth to taste and identify unknown objects, to control heat, as toilet paper and such. So, the bacteria in dog mouth are different from that of humans.

The following are some important facts on bacteria in dog mouth.

Facts on Bacteria in Dog Mouth

* Unlike the teeth of humans the dog teeth are not easy victims of cavities. Dogs have comparatively high pH level around 9 whereas in humans the ph level is 6.5 to 7.5. Due to high ph level cavities are non existent in dog mouth.
* But due to high pH level in dogs, precipitation of calcium phosphate, formation of tartar and plaque takes place in their teeth.
* According to many the saliva of dog's mouth has antiseptic properties. Though scientific evidences have proved that dog saliva can inhibit certain bacterial growth like that of E.coli and certain strains of Streptococcus but there a variety of other bacteria in dog mouth that are found to be quite harmful for both the pet and its owner.
* Dog's teeth have a coat of biofilms in the teeth. The biofilm consist of lattice frame work of some species of bacteria and some kinds of fungi that consists of moderate anaerobic and core anaerobic. The bacteria is well protected from the hostile environment as they reside within a polysaccharide form of glue.
* The bacterial biofilm is also known as the dental biofilm. A biofilm may contain hundreds of bacterial species some of which are found to be harmless while some can not be cultured. There are still many bacteria that are yet to be identified.

Dog dental care is very important for maintain good oral health. If the dog mouth is not cleaned regularly the pet can develop tartar which would soon lead to the formation of a serious full blown disease called periodontal disease. Ask your dog to chew some items that would actually help your pet to get rid of sticky food particles. You may take the help of a veterinary physician in case you are new to dog dental care.

Dog Care For Beginners

Our dogs give us time and affection like no other. It is our duty and obligation to provide for these animals with as much love and care. And since different breeds have different needs and personalities, dog care can be tough to master.

Upon owning a dog, you will have to learn basic dog care. This means, as the proud owner of a canine, you now have to feed, bathe and train your pet. Here a few dog care tips you should know.

1. Get your dog a collar and an ID tag with your name, address and telephone number written on it. It will make identification of your dog easier and will have a higher possibility of being returned to you.

2. Check for dog license in your area. If your community requires a dog license, you best get Fido one too.

3. Have your pet visit the veterinarian for his physical check-up. Dog care is making sure your pet is in good health. If there are any concerns, the dog can be treated immediately.

4. Dog care requires tough love. Have your pet vaccinated.

5. Proving dog care requires a good shelter. You can build him a doghouse for when he goes outside to play and a doggie bed when he’s inside the house. Dogs are very clingy creatures and crave for companionship so they may spend more time inside the house.

6. Food in dog care is essential. A balanced diet with vitamin supplements and readily available water is essential to any dog regime. Ask your vet about the proper foods.

7. Dog hygiene is an essential part of dog care. The eyes, ears and teeth of your pet must be cleaned. At the first sign of abnormalities like soreness or discoloration, go to your veterinarian.

8. Train your dogs. Dog care is not only physical. As the owner, you are responsible for your dog mentally too. Dogs need a stimulating activity to develop their skills and keep disciplined.

9. Play with your pets. Dog care requires exercise for the pooch. Run with him, play ball or just spend your time with him.

10. Have your dog neutered. Dog care experts say that those animals that get surgery tend to have less behavioral problems and live longer. And by getting your dog neutered, you can help reduce pet overpopulation.

Dog care can be very demanding but its beneficial for the owner and pet. A healthy well-being will make their time together as great as possible. Just like taking care of a child, following your dog care routine will prevent any problems in the future.

More and more businesses are realizing the increasing industry of dog care. Go to your favorite store and you’ll see a variety of dog care products available to dog owners. The latest craze to hit this industry is institutions that cater to dogs. These are hotels or restaurants that offers dog care service from their own doggie menu, to a daycare for dogs and even a doggie spa.

Whether you choose a professional dog care institution to take care of your baby or just skip the extravagance and train poochie yourself, remember that your dog is another living creature that needs your love, time and attention. It may seem so tiring but it’s worth it in the end.

Dog Joint Care - 3 Ways You Can Help Your Dog!

To keep your dog as happy as possible, joint care is absolutely essential. If your dog is already experiencing joint pain, or is at high risk of doing so (overweight, large, misshapen, or extremely active), the following 3 dog joint care tips should help you and your buddy out tremendously.

Dog Joint Care - 3 Ways You Can Help Your Dog:

1. Massage and acupressure. A little goes a long way. A quick little massage of the muscles surrounding the joints will relieve a lot of tension. If your dog is already experiencing joint stiffness or pain, or if your dog has arthritis, give more attention to the affected joint. A nice one or two minute massage around the joint (but never ON the joint) will work wonders! Another cool secret is acupressure. Simply lay your dog down and squeeze his/her akeela's heel using your thumb on one side and middle finger on the other. 30 to 60 seconds will have your dog blissing out!
2. Diet and exercise. Feed your dog healthy, natural food with guaranteed levels of natural glucosamine. This will help your dog build strong cartilage. Spending a little extra money on high quality dog food can save you a fortune in vet bills down the road. Light exercise will keep your dog's joints lubricated and will also serve to manage his/her weight. It has been proven time and time again that there is a direct correlation between your dog's weight and joint challenges.
3. Avoid chemical medications. Pain meds like acetaminophen and aspirin can toxify your dog's system, paving the way for additional health problems. Instead, use a homeopathic supplement to kill pain, promote flexibility, restore lubrication, and prevent swelling.

By doing these three things, you and your dog will both be very pleased with the results. Dog joint care is not difficult. Just a few small changes and a bit of TLC will work wonders. This should save you a lot of heartache and money down the line!

Parrot Care - Secrets to Ensure Their Happiness and Well-Being

The vivid colors of parrots, their charming, gregarious personalities and instinctive intelligence have captured the hearts of people for centuries and enticed them to adopt parrots into, not only their homes, but really their lives. With a few practical pointers and some care you'll be able to overcome any challenges and enjoy the company of your pet parrot.

While each kind of parrot requires its own special care, one requirement they all share in common is the need for good nutrition. Otherwise their quality of life will suffer. Diets for parrots have much in common. But the basic formulation of their diet consists of a vitamin fortified seed mix, pellets, vegetables and fruits. A daily supply of fresh water for your parrot is essential

Keeping your parrot's cage clean will also contribute to your pet's health and happiness. Use water and a light soap solution to thoroughly wash the cage and its accessories. This includes dishes, perches, surfaces and other items. Keep in mind that your parrot has a sensitive respiratory tract and so you should avoid the use of harsh cleaning products such as ammonia, mildew cleaner as well as bleech. These will not only cause respiratory problems but also burn the eyes and skin. Also periodically check your parrot's cage to make sure it's safe. There should be no sharp metallic points or edges that could injure your pet. As was mentioned earlier, parrot care involves some effort and care but the rewards of parrot ownership are well worth the effort. Part of this care includes maintaining high standards of cleanliness Another reason why hygiene is essential is to prevent transmitting bacterial infections so handwashing is a must when handling your parrot's dishes, and preparing meals. Cage size is another factor contributing to your parrot's health and mental well-being. There should be adequate room to accommodate the parrot's full wing span in addition to room for a few safe hanging toys.

If you don't already know, you will soon discover that your parrot has the capacity for a strong, affectionate bond with you. Happily, parrots enjoy a fairly long lifespan, with smaller birds lasting as long as fifteen to thirty years and the larger ones, forty to fifty years. Now you see why it is often said that owning a parrot can be a commitment for life. Parrots are such social creatures. They actually need regular contact with you for their well-being and contentment. For this reason it's a good idea to place his cage in an area of your home where interacting with your pet is easy for you and other family members. While the kitchen may be a heavily trafficked area, it may not be the safest place for the parrot's cage due to some toxic odors that may result from cooking. So exercise due caution here.

If we were discussing poodles or some type of cat, you would expect grooming to be part of their care. But would you believe that parrots also require grooming? And all throughout their lives at that? Yes indeed. Ever growing nails should be clipped every 3 - 4 weeks. Nails that are allowed to grow excessively can be a real safety hazzard for your parrot, getting caught in the cage and perches. Since parrots in the home are not required to fly, most owners have their wings clipped. In their natural environment in the wild, parrots normally freshen up their feathers by taking a rain shower. As a parrot owner you can use a water bottle to give your pet a daily mist treatment.

Your gregarious, affectionate and bright parrot will bring hours of fun into your life. With a little experience and a few pointers you'll soon learn to recognize his emotional needs which you'll find delight in meeting. With your earnest effort and thoughtful attention, you'll be able to raise a healthy, happy parrot that will bring you hours of enjoyment for years to come.

Common Diseases in Pet Birds and How to Detect Them

Often we are unable to detect illness in our pet birds because they are genetically programmed to hide them. This is because in jungles and the wild, if they display illness and disease they will be killed at once. It is survival of the fittest in the wild. Some commonly displayed symptoms are listed below and what they mean in terms of bird illness.

Diarrhea- If your bird has infection in the intestinal tract, because of bacteria or virus, there will be additional fluids in the stool. You must take the bird to a vet, because if the food is moving too quickly in the digestive tract, nutrients are not being absorbed. More over if the diarrhea is greenish colored, it is a symptom of metal poisoning or Psittacosis.

Eye Discharge- Eye discharge is very dangerous and can lead to death of the bird. This symptom normally occurs in cases of Psittacosis. Psittacosis is highly infectious and can affect human beings too. Rush your bird to the vet and get other pets and members of the family checked too. If caught in time, it can be cured by antibiotics.

Lethargy- Is your bird not eating properly or is inactive? There can be many causes for this and none of them good. The bird might be suffering some serious ailment like infection, heart of kidney disease or even cancer. Get your bird tested and treated at once.

Loss of Appetite- This again is an outward manifestation of some serious internal problem. Birds are fragile and neglect of these symptoms can lead to death. Consult your vet, and follow his advise.

Nasal Discharge- Commonly caused by dust, bacteria and even feather dust. Certain species like Cockatoos, Macaws etc produce a large amount of it. In case the discharge is colored and abnormal it is a normal clearing of respiratory passages. If it is colored, take the bird to a vet.

Puffed Up Feathers- This is a normal reaction of birds when they feel insecure or threatened. But if the feathers are puffed up even when the bird is asleep it is an outward symptom of an internal disease. Take the bird to a vet.

Vomiting- Birds often throw up during the mating season. Even so, check with your vet, just to play safe.

Prevention is better than cure, so clean the cage regularly and monitor the bird's feed and other habits. Use an efficient air purifier. Birds are a pleasure to keep, but as with other pets, they come with a set of responsibilities. Ensure that your pet is healthy and clean. This will prevent infections to the bird and to you and your family.

Become the best bird owner that you can and learn everything that you need to. Visit our site for expert information on all aspects of keeping pet birds and for the best range of all pet bird supplies that you will need to keep happy and healthy birds.

Owning a Pet and Your Health

Owning a pet is supposed to bring you a lot of joy by adding something to your life. And for most people, this is what having a pet does. But for others, owning a pet can have the opposite effect sometimes. In fact, it can downright make living in your home impossible if you aren't mentally prepared to have an additional burden or if you struggle with allergies.

If you live with someone and you are thinking of getting a pet or have wanted one for a very long time, make sure that you discuss it with the other person because owning a pet won't just be your responsibility; it will be theirs as well and they may not want to have to worry about taking care of anyone or anything else. For some people, their day-to-day schedules are so crazy and busy that owning a pet would be impossible. However, owning a pet is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, it is very similar to adopting a child; it's a huge responsibility because you are agreeing to take care of another life- a life that is almost completely dependent on you to take care of it when it is sick and to keep it fed and comfortable.

Another thing that people fail to realize when owning a pet is the expense. Depending on the type of pet that you get as well as the kind of appetite that it has, you may find yourself in the grocery store more often than you would like as you try to pick out food and toys, etc. For example, if you adopt a cat, you will need to purchase a litter box, some kitty litter, a couple of toys, perhaps a scratching post (although seldom do they ever use it), cat food and two bowls (one for water and one for food). Additionally, when you take your cat to the vet for the first time, you will have to pay a basic fee for the visit in addition to any other fees that you incur for vaccinations, flea and tick medications as well as any other predisposed conditions that your feline friend might have.

Another way that animals become a huge responsibility for people is that it ties humans down in a sense. For example, if you want to travel out of the country or out of town, it can sometimes be a pain to find an airline that will allow you to take on pets. Also, you will definitely be looking at spending some extra cash either way because airlines charge you extra for having an animal on board a plane, kennels will charge you a fee for watching after your pet and if you are bringing your pet with you to an apartment complex to live, expect to pay.

In order to live peacefully with an animal in your home, all people who live in the home must first agree that they want to keep the animal and that they will each take on their responsibility to care for it. Part of the reason that many parents are reluctant to get pets for their children is because they know that after a short while, the child may become bored with having a pet and the parent will be totally responsible for cleaning up after it.