Parrot Care - Secrets to Ensure Their Happiness and Well-Being

The vivid colors of parrots, their charming, gregarious personalities and instinctive intelligence have captured the hearts of people for centuries and enticed them to adopt parrots into, not only their homes, but really their lives. With a few practical pointers and some care you'll be able to overcome any challenges and enjoy the company of your pet parrot.

While each kind of parrot requires its own special care, one requirement they all share in common is the need for good nutrition. Otherwise their quality of life will suffer. Diets for parrots have much in common. But the basic formulation of their diet consists of a vitamin fortified seed mix, pellets, vegetables and fruits. A daily supply of fresh water for your parrot is essential

Keeping your parrot's cage clean will also contribute to your pet's health and happiness. Use water and a light soap solution to thoroughly wash the cage and its accessories. This includes dishes, perches, surfaces and other items. Keep in mind that your parrot has a sensitive respiratory tract and so you should avoid the use of harsh cleaning products such as ammonia, mildew cleaner as well as bleech. These will not only cause respiratory problems but also burn the eyes and skin. Also periodically check your parrot's cage to make sure it's safe. There should be no sharp metallic points or edges that could injure your pet. As was mentioned earlier, parrot care involves some effort and care but the rewards of parrot ownership are well worth the effort. Part of this care includes maintaining high standards of cleanliness Another reason why hygiene is essential is to prevent transmitting bacterial infections so handwashing is a must when handling your parrot's dishes, and preparing meals. Cage size is another factor contributing to your parrot's health and mental well-being. There should be adequate room to accommodate the parrot's full wing span in addition to room for a few safe hanging toys.

If you don't already know, you will soon discover that your parrot has the capacity for a strong, affectionate bond with you. Happily, parrots enjoy a fairly long lifespan, with smaller birds lasting as long as fifteen to thirty years and the larger ones, forty to fifty years. Now you see why it is often said that owning a parrot can be a commitment for life. Parrots are such social creatures. They actually need regular contact with you for their well-being and contentment. For this reason it's a good idea to place his cage in an area of your home where interacting with your pet is easy for you and other family members. While the kitchen may be a heavily trafficked area, it may not be the safest place for the parrot's cage due to some toxic odors that may result from cooking. So exercise due caution here.

If we were discussing poodles or some type of cat, you would expect grooming to be part of their care. But would you believe that parrots also require grooming? And all throughout their lives at that? Yes indeed. Ever growing nails should be clipped every 3 - 4 weeks. Nails that are allowed to grow excessively can be a real safety hazzard for your parrot, getting caught in the cage and perches. Since parrots in the home are not required to fly, most owners have their wings clipped. In their natural environment in the wild, parrots normally freshen up their feathers by taking a rain shower. As a parrot owner you can use a water bottle to give your pet a daily mist treatment.

Your gregarious, affectionate and bright parrot will bring hours of fun into your life. With a little experience and a few pointers you'll soon learn to recognize his emotional needs which you'll find delight in meeting. With your earnest effort and thoughtful attention, you'll be able to raise a healthy, happy parrot that will bring you hours of enjoyment for years to come.


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